This has reminded me of something I've discovered about myself in the past. I'm more of an extrovert than an introvert. I enjoy being around people, even if they are strangers. Long rides tend to get boring and lonely. Occasionally, as I get close to a destination I get the urge to have someone pick me up. That's what happened on my ride up to DC.
I was really looking forward to seeing my cousin Tim and his wife Susan and my good friend from Camp Starfish, Chris. I also had never been to DC before. I knew that if I stuck to my schedule I would have spent the majority of the weekend riding, then arrived Sunday afternoon/evening, limiting my time to visit and see DC. I struggled with having someone pick me up because I felt like it would be cheating on my ride. I decided that I was okay with it because it is more important to me to spend time with people and in DC, rather than biking solo through VA. I called my friend Chris and he picked me up near Fredericksburg, VA. By the time he picked me up I had bike 25 miles. Here is a picture of me with my bike and gear when he arrived to pick me up. As you can see, I had all of my gear ready to go, including my trailer all folded up.

On my ride up to Fredericksburg I passed through this park. It was really nice. I came upon this road that went straight through a creek. I saw multiple cars driving straight through it. I was concerned about my bike making it, but then discovered a bridge just a little ways down.

Here is the bridge a little ways down.

After crossing the bridge I followed this path through the woods. LEAVES EVERYWHERE! A whole canopy and all over the trail.

When I got to the end of the path I discovered I had just made one big loop and was back to where I started about 30 minutes ago. Wasn't really a big problem. I just coordinated a meeting place with Chris a few more miles down.
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