It really was a nice ride.

The above picture is of the Roanoke Rive as I passed over the bridge.

Here is the welcome sign to Virginia! I have conquered all of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. They are the largest three states I'll go through and account for half of the trip. I now have five smaller states to go. I'm looking forward to it!
After arriving at the Shepherd's Inn tonight and having a family style dinner we did a daily devotional together. We had a great conversation about the way God works in our lives, and specifically how He protects us. I shared the story of how I was hit by a car and walked away with minor scrapes and bruises. I added that I believe God has a plan for my life, and chose to keep me around for a little while longer. Afterward, I walked down the street to the local community college to get some wifi access. I mapped out tentative stops for the remainder of my trip. I took a screenshot so I could share it with my followers. Each green letter is a place I plan to stop for the night. Nothing is really set in stone right now, except for a few people I plan to visit along the way. If anyone reading lives along the way, or knows someone else who does, I may be looking for a place to crash for the night. Just comment on the blog or send me a text or email. It's greatly appreciated!!

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