Mile Tracker

Mile Count = 1003
Funds Raised = $765

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shepherd's Inn

When I woke up this morning I didn't know where I'd be sleeping tonight. I had made a few phone calls to churches, but no answers. I tried a fire hall, but the woman said they couldn't have me camp there. She gave me a number for the Camber of Commerce. When I called there the woman gave me a number for a shelter called Shepherd's Inn. I called and the man who answered said that they'd be happy to have me for the night. They'd even provide dinner and breakfast. I took him up on the offer and began my ride. It was another beautiful ride through the countryside of northern North Carolina and southern Virginia. Here are some pictures.

It really was a nice ride.

The above picture is of the Roanoke Rive as I passed over the bridge.

Here is the welcome sign to Virginia! I have conquered all of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. They are the largest three states I'll go through and account for half of the trip. I now have five smaller states to go. I'm looking forward to it!

After arriving at the Shepherd's Inn tonight and having a family style dinner we did a daily devotional together. We had a great conversation about the way God works in our lives, and specifically how He protects us. I shared the story of how I was hit by a car and walked away with minor scrapes and bruises. I added that I believe God has a plan for my life, and chose to keep me around for a little while longer. Afterward, I walked down the street to the local community college to get some wifi access. I mapped out tentative stops for the remainder of my trip. I took a screenshot so I could share it with my followers. Each green letter is a place I plan to stop for the night. Nothing is really set in stone right now, except for a few people I plan to visit along the way. If anyone reading lives along the way, or knows someone else who does, I may be looking for a place to crash for the night. Just comment on the blog or send me a text or email. It's greatly appreciated!!

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