Today I toured Washington, DC. Since I'm making pretty good time on my trip, I took the time to see the sights. I walked roughly 10 miles today. My legs and feet actually felt more sore at the end of the day then they do after biking. Must be because I used different muscles. After sleeping in a bit I headed out for the day. On my way to meet my friend Chris I passed the White House. I continued on to meet him at the Hart building. This is one of the office buildings for the senators. He works for NY State Senator Schumer. A couple of the interns from the office were able to take some time out of the day to take me on a tour of the Capitol. It was pretty awesome. After the tour I walked the length of the National Mall and passed all the monuments and museums. I spent some time at the Washington Monument, then moved on to the WWII Monument, and finally the Lincoln Memorial. I wish I had more time to explore more, but I think I saw the major ones. Once getting back to Georgetown I met up with my sister's boyfriend, Mike for dinner. We got the college student special, half off. Once finally getting back to my friend's place I took a short nap. It was a long day and a LOT of walking. Here are a few of the pictures I snapped throughout the day.
Here is a statue of George Washington.

On the left is Rob, he gave me the tour of the Capitol. In the middle is my friend Chris, who hosted me while I was in DC. I felt a bit underdressed as I walked around the Capitol and government buildings. Everyone wears suits.

Here is a shot of the Capitol from the front lawn.

This is taken from inside the dome, looking up.

Here I am at the White House.

This is Occupy Washington. I stopped and spoke briefly to a girl who was living there.

This shot of the Washington Monument came out real cool. I didn't even realize it at the time.

You can just barley see, but there are men working on the monument toward the top.

Look how beautiful the bike lanes are one the way to the Capitol!

Here is a picture of the Lincoln Memorial.

And here is a shot of me standing next to the gigantic statue of Lincoln.

I was upset to see the Reflecting Pool was under construction. The entire thing was tore up. I know it's a lot of pictures all together, but it was an exciting day. Tomorrow it's back to the bike. I have roughly 270 miles to go!
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